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Support Global Access with Global Impact

image of Ohio U student in kayaks
Participation Drive
2 Donors
Towards goal of 25 Donors
$70.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on February 19, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners
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Gifts of $20.23 help students pay for items such as technology fees, pay for a dinner on site and/or gas to the airport



Gifts of $50 help students pay for transportation to and from the airport at their GCP site or buy one week’s worth of lunches



Gifts of $100 help students pay for lunches for the duration of the program or pay for an international cell phone contract



Gifts of $500 help students pay the program fee for the OHIO International Consulting Program



Gifts of $1500 help to cover the cost of the roundtrip flight for a student traveling to a GCP site



Gifts of $3000 help students pay the Global Consulting Program fee